1. Agent will then start matching your CV with available job vacancies announced as per approved Demand Letter from MOLHR
  2. After finding the right match agent will brief you with following:
    • Name of company or a hotel,
    • Country of placement
    • Salary Package
    • Job responsibilities
    • Info on accommodation and meals + other benefits
    • Expected work hours
  3. Agent will then reconfirm with candidates the interview for a specific job position available.
  4. Candidate must submit original passport (Hard Copy) at this stage to sit for interview. Passport will remain with agency till deployment.
  5. Interviews are conducted to check basic competency, language, skills, age and personality.
    • Live – Company representative will be here in Thimphu to interview candidates at BISHT office / venue of their choice
    • Online interview for candidates also at BISHT over video call

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